Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I thought that maybe we would finally let everyone know what has been happening this past month at our home. On our fifth wedding anniversary, I was pleased to announce to Eric that I was pregnant with number three. After my first doctors appointment, and confirmation, I started cramping an bleeding. I was checked several times and everything looked fine. My blood was taken twice a week for the last four weeks to test the HCG levels. It went from 99 to 86 to 338 to 398 to 536. This has been an emotional roller coaster going back and forth between yes you are and no you are not pregnant. Finally on the 12th of this month, the day after her birthday, the doctor called to confirm that we actually had lost the baby with my HCG going from the 500s to the 200s. What a great birthday gift.....

I went into surgery on Monday morning to remove the rest of the tissue with a D&C. Everything went well, and I am on the road to recovery. I should be physically recoverd tomorrow.....Emotionally, not so much...That's going to take some time.

I don't have words to explain how I feel. I can honestly say though that I am glad this is all over with. I was tired to knowing, then not knowing. At least we can FINALLY move on.


Nat said...

Mary, I am so, so sorry. Let me know what I can do for you.

Layton Mom said...

I am sure that no words can make things feel any better. Just know that I am thinking about and praying for you. Please, let me know if there is anything at all that you need, even if it is just lunch out with no kiddos. I can make it happen.

Jay and Camille said...

I just went through the same thing. I was three months pregnant and went in for my appointment to find out my baby had died at 9 weeks. I also had to have a D&C. While my body has healed, emotionally I will never heal. I read a great book that helped me, "Gone too soon" It's by an LDS author. It was nice to finally read something that accepted my unborn child as a human.
If you EVER need to talk, I'm here.

Dorese @ Dorese's Pieces said...

It was so fun to run into your cute family at Sam's Club on Saturday. I'm so sorry for all of the emotional pain you've been enduring the last while. I know my words can't make you feel any better, but I also know that none of us are ever alone in our grief.

Renee' P said...

Mary, I LOVE you! I am so sorry that you had to go through this.
I can't wait to come and see you soon!

Hilary G. said...

Mary, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Just remember, things like this all happen for a reason.

Amanda Impett said...

A big giant long distance hug for you. Know that you are in my thoughts.

Nicole Stenzel said...

Hey honey! Just wanted to say that I love you and anything you need you know I am here for you!

Kalia said...

We'll keep you and your family in our prayers Mary. I'm sorry for your loss. Love, Kalia

Miranda said...

I am so sorry to hear that. I know how bad you have wanted a baby. Please let me know if you need anything~

Uberly Ewe said...

Mary I too am so sorry to read this, and the fact that it has been a while since I have looked at your blog. I hope that you had a good Christmas. I have not had to go through what you have but I can only imagine the emotions you must be going through. Thinking about you and hoping that 2009 is a good year!

Stacey said...

This doesn't have anything to do with your blog, but I just wanted to see if you 3 girls and all those kids are driving eric crazy yet. By the way, hows baeya's hair. I love you lots and wish that we could have played hand and foot while you were in spokane/otis. PS kiss my baby boys for me....
Love noni stacey