Thursday, January 21, 2010

new pictures

First three are some fun things I have done lately!!!

Ok so this isn't a new one, but it's newly edited!

My Baby AJ




My girl!

The kidos! Notice that Ethan is a second away from crying!

The only good decent pic I could get of Ethan.


Jandre said...

waahhhhh, I don't see any new pictures. I don't see any pictures at all... :(

Tamy Fosburg said...

Mary, you're getting so good at photography. I wish so much I could get you over here to take pix of my kids. Your children are sooooo beautiful! I can't believe how old they are. I miss you guys so much. Hope you're all doing well. We love you!

jo said...

such cute pictures!

Deb said...

It is lovely to see you and your sweet family! We will have a fun reunion sometime - let me know when you are coming this direction! You have beautiful children!